The French Lieutenant's Woman (film)

The French Lieutenant's Woman
Originalni kino-poster
RežijaKarel Reisz
ProducentLeon Clore
ScenarioHarold Pinter
John Fowles (roman)
UlogeMeryl Streep
Jeremy Irons
David Warner
MuzikaCarl Davis
FotografijaFreddie Francis
MontažaJohn Bloom
DistribucijaUnited Artists
Datum(i) premijereSAD:
18. septembar 1981
Trajanje129 min.
Zemlja Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo

The French Lieutenant's Woman je britanski igrani film snimljen 1981. u režiji Karela Reisza. Temelji se na istoimenom romanu britanskog pisca Johna Fowlesa koga je u scenario adaptirao Harold Pinter. Radnja prati dvije paralelne radnje - originalni zaplet romana, smještenu u viktorijansku Englesku, gdje se aristokrat Charles Smithson zaljubi u tajanstvenu "ženu francuskog poručnika" po imenu Sarah Woodruff; te radnju smještenu u 1980. godinu, kada se po romanu snima film u kome glavne uloge tumače Anna i Mike, glumci koji se također zaljube jedni u drugo.

Na prostoru bivše Jugoslavije je distribuiran pod naslovom Žena francuskog poručnika.

Za ulogu u ovom filmu Meril Strip je osvojila Zlatni globus i nagradu BAFTA, a bila je nominovana i za Oskar za najbolju glavnu glumicu.


Eksterni linkovi

  •—The Official John Fowles web site
  • The French Lieutenant's Woman na sajtu IMDb
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Djela Johna Fowlesa
The Collector (1963)  • The Magus (1965, revidiran 1977)  • The French Lieutenant's Woman (1969) • The Ebony Tower (1974)  • Daniel Martin (1977)  • Mantissa (1982)  • A Maggot (1985)
The Aristos (1964)  • The Tree (1979)  • Wormholes (1998)
Filmske adaptacije
The Collector  • The Magus  • The French Lieutenant's Woman
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  • u
  • Ashes to Ashes
  • The Basement
  • Betrayal
  • The Birthday Party
  • The Caretaker
  • Celebration
  • The Collection
  • The Dumb Waiter
  • The Dwarfs
  • Family Voices
  • The Homecoming
  • The Hothouse
  • A Kind of Alaska
  • Landscape
  • The Lover
  • Moonlight
  • Monologue
  • Mountain Language
  • A Night Out
  • Night School
  • No Man's Land
  • Old Times
  • One for the Road
  • Party Time
  • Remembrance of Things Past (ko-autor: Di Trevis)
  • The Room
  • Silence
  • A Slight Ache
  • Tea Party
  • Victoria Station
  • Voices (ko-autor: James Clarke)
Dramski skečevi
  • Apart From That
  • Applicant
  • The Black and White
  • Dialogue for Three
  • God's District
  • Interview
  • Last to Go
  • The New World Order
  • Night
  • Precisely
  • Press Conference
  • Request Stop, Special Offer
  • That's All
  • That's Your Trouble
  • Trouble in the Works
  • Accident
  • Betrayal
  • The Birthday Party
  • The Caretaker
  • The Comfort of Strangers
  • The Compartment
  • The Dreaming Child
  • The French Lieutenant's Woman
  • The Go-Between
  • The Handmaid's Tale
  • The Heat of the Day
  • The Homecoming
  • Langrishe, Go Down
  • The Last Tycoon
  • Lolita
  • Party Time
  • The Proust Screenplay
  • The Pumpkin Eater
  • The Quiller Memorandum
  • The Remains of the Day
  • Reunion
  • The Servant
  • Sleuth
  • The Tragedy of King Lear
  • The Trial
  • Turtle Diary
  • Victory
Srodni članci
  • Djela
  • Bibliografija
  • Karakteristike
  • Počasti i nagrade
  • Odnos sa akademskom zajedinicom
  • The Harold Pinter Archive in the British Library
  • Harold Pinter i politika
  • Art, Truth and Politics
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Filmovi koje je režirao Karel Reisz
Saturday Night and Sunday Morning (1960)  Night Must Fall (1964)  Morgan! (1966)  Isadora (1968)
The Gambler (1974)  Who'll Stop the Rain (1978)
The French Lieutenant's Woman (1981)  Sweet Dreams (1985)
Everybody Wins (1990)