The Word

"The Word"
Canção de The Beatles
do álbum Rubber Soul
Lançamento 3 de dezembro de 1965
Gravação EMI Studios, Londres, 10 de novembro de 1965
Gênero(s) Rock,[1] rhythm and blues[2]
Duração 2:41
Gravadora(s) Parlophone
Composição Lennon-McCartney
Produção George Martin

The Word é uma canção dos Beatles, lançada no álbum Rubber Soul em 1965. composta por John Lennon. É uma das primeiras letras de Lennon sobre política, embora obscurecidos por referências ao amor. Foi gravada em 10 de novembro de 1965 nos estúdios da Abbey Road e tem duração de 2:37 minutos.



  1. Hamelman, Steven L. (2004). But Is It Garbage?: On Rock and Trash. [S.l.]: University of Georgia Press. p. 11 
  2. Young, Alex (19 de setembro de 2009). «Album Review: The Beatles – Rubber Soul». Consequence of Sound. Consultado em 17 de dezembro de 2020 
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Please Please Me
"I Saw Her Standing There"  · "Misery"  · "Anna (Go to Him)"  · "Chains"  · "Boys"  · "Ask Me Why"  · "Please Please Me"  · "Love Me Do"  · "P.S. I Love You"  · "Baby It's You"  · "Do You Want to Know a Secret"  · "A Taste of Honey"  · "There's a Place"  · "Twist and Shout"
With the Beatles
A Hard Day's Night
Beatles for Sale
"Help!"  · "The Night Before"  · "You've Got to Hide Your Love Away"  · "I Need You"  · "Another Girl"  · "You're Going to Lose That Girl"  · "Ticket to Ride"  · "Act Naturally"  · "It's Only Love"  · "You Like Me Too Much"  · "Tell Me What You See"  · "I've Just Seen a Face"  · "Yesterday"  · "Dizzy Miss Lizzy"
Rubber Soul
"Drive My Car"  · "Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown)"  · "You Won't See Me"  · "Nowhere Man"  · "Think for Yourself"  · "The Word"  · "Michelle"  · "What Goes On"  · "Girl"  · "I'm Looking Through You"  · "In My Life"  · "Wait"  · "If I Needed Someone"  · "Run for Your Life"
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
"Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band"  · "With a Little Help from My Friends"  · "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds"  · "Getting Better"  · "Fixing a Hole"  · "She's Leaving Home"  · "Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite!"  · "Within You Without You"  · "When I'm Sixty-Four"  · "Lovely Rita"  · "Good Morning Good Morning"  · "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise)"  · "A Day in the Life"
Magical Mystery Tour
The Beatles
Yellow Submarine
"Yellow Submarine"  · "Only a Northern Song"  · "All Together Now"  · "Hey Bulldog"  · "It's All Too Much"  · "All You Need Is Love"  · "Pepperland"  · "Sea of Time"  · "Sea of Holes"  · "Sea of Monsters"  · "March of the Meanies"  · "Pepperland Laid Waste"  · "Yellow Submarine in Pepperland"
Abbey Road
"Come Together"  · "Something"  · "Maxwell's Silver Hammer"  · "Oh! Darling"  · "Octopus's Garden"  · "I Want You (She's So Heavy)"  · "Here Comes the Sun"  · "Because"  · "You Never Give Me Your Money"  · "Sun King"  · "Mean Mr. Mustard"  · "Polythene Pam"  · "She Came in Through the Bathroom Window"  · "Golden Slumbers"  · "Carry That Weight"  · "The End"  · "Her Majesty"
Let It Be
"Two of Us"  · "Dig a Pony"  · "Across the Universe"  · "I Me Mine"  · "Dig It"  · "Let It Be"  · "Maggie Mae"  · "I've Got a Feeling"  · "One After 909"  · "The Long and Winding Road"  · "For You Blue"  · "Get Back"
Singles independentes
"From Me to You" (1963)  · "Thank You Girl" (1963)  · "She Loves You" (1963)  · "I'll Get You" (1963)  · "I Want to Hold Your Hand" (1963)  · "This Boy" (1963)  · "Komm, gib mir deine Hand/Sie liebt dich" (1964)  · "Slow Down" (1964)  · "Matchbox" (1964)  · "Ain't She Sweet" (1964)  · "She's a Woman" (1964)  · "I'm Down" (1965)  · "Yes It Is" (1965)  · "Bad Boy" (1965)  · "Day Tripper" (1965)  · "We Can Work It Out" (1965)  · "Paperback Writer" (1966)  · "Rain" (1966)  · "Lady Madonna" (1968)  · "The Inner Light" (1968)  · "Hey Jude" (1968)  · "The Ballad of John and Yoko" (1969)  · "Old Brown Shoe" (1969)  · "Don't Let Me Down" (1969)  · "You Know My Name (Look Up the Number)" (1970)
Outras canções
"Long Tall Sally" (1964)  · "I Call Your Name" (1964)  · "Carnival of Light" (1967) "Free as a Bird" (1995)  · "Real Love" (1995)  · "Now and Then" (2023)
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