Revolusi Oranye

Revolusi Oranye (Ukraina: Помаранчева революція, Pomarancheva revolyutsiya) adalah rangkaian protes dan even politik yang terjadi di Ukraina mulai akhir November 2004 hingga Januari 2005, tepat setelah selesainya pemilu Ukraina tahun 2004 yang dituding telah dicemari oleh korupsi besar-besaran, intimidasi terhadap para pemberi suara, dan penipuan hasil pemilu. Kiev, ibu kota Ukraina, menjadi pusat gerakan revolusi ini dengan ribuat pemrotes berdemonstrasi setiap hari.

Protes yang menjalar ke seluruh negeri tersebut berhasil dan hasil pemilu dibatalkan serta pemilu ulang diselenggarakan oleh pemerintah pada tanggal 26 Desember, 2004. Di bawah tekanan pengamat internasional dan lokal, pemilu ulang ini disebut sebagai "bersih dan bebas". Hasil akhir menunjukkan kemenangan bagi Victor Yushchenko yang pada pemilu pertama dikalahkan oleh pesaingnya, Victor Yanukovych. Yushchenko dinyatakan pemenang pemilu dan diangkat menjadi presiden pada tanggal 23 Januari 2005 di Kiev.

Lihat pula

  • Revolusi warna


  • Andrew Wilson (March 2006). Ukraine's Orange Revolution. Yale University Press. ISBN 0-300-11290-4.
  • Anders Åslund and Michael McFaul (January 2006). Revolution in Orange: The Origins of Ukraine's Democratic Breakthrough. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. ISBN 0-87003-221-6.
  • Askold Krushelnycky (2006). An Orange Revolution: A Personal Journey Through Ukrainian History. ISBN 0-436-20623-4.
  • Pavol Demes and Joerg Forbrig (eds.). Reclaiming Democracy: Civil Society and Electoral Change in Central and Eastern Europe. German Marshall Fund, 2007.
  • Andrey Kolesnikov (2005). Первый Украинский: записки с передовой (First Ukrainian [Front]: Notes from the Front Line). Moscow: Vagrius. ISBN 5-9697-0062-2. (Rusia)
  • Giuseppe D'Amato, EuroSogno e i nuovi Muri ad Est Diarsipkan 2011-07-10 di Wayback Machine. (The Euro-Dream and the new Walls to the East). L'Unione europea e la dimensione orientale. Greco-Greco editore, Milano, 2008. PP.133–151. (Italian).
  • The orange ribbon by the Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW), Warsaw, 2005.
  • US campaign behind the turmoil in Kiev, The Guardian, November 2 6, 2004.
  • Six questions to the critics of Ukraine's orange revolution, The Guardian, December 2, 2004.
  • The Orange Revolution Diarsipkan 2013-05-28 di Wayback Machine.,, Monday, December 6, 2004 (excerpt, requires subscription)
  • The price of People Power, The Guardian, December 7, 2004.
  • U.S. Money has Helped Opposition in Ukraine, Associated Press, December 11, 2004.

Pranala luar

  • Lysenko, V.V., and Desouza, K.C. "Role of Internet-based Information Flows and Technologies in Electoral Revolutions: The Case of Ukraine’s Orange Revolution,” First Monday, 15 (9), 2010, Available Online at: Diarsipkan 2012-10-21 di Wayback Machine.
  • Orange Chronicles - A feature-length documentary focusing on personal journey through Orange Revolution. (Damian Kolodiy)
Wikimedia Commons memiliki media mengenai Presidential election of Ukraine, 2004.
Wikinews memiliki berita News related to this article:
  • Ukraine political crisis
  • Ukrainian opposition leader calls for police and army to join revolution
  • Ukraine opposition candidate Yushchenko is suffering from a Dioxin intoxication, doctors say
  • Yushchenko claims victory in re-run
  • Yushchenko Sworn In
  • “Maidan” – An Internet Hub for Citizens Action Network in Ukraine Diarsipkan 2006-04-08 di Wayback Machine.
  • Orange Revolution, a feature-length documentary film by Steve York
  • "Nothing and Never" - Documentary film about the Orange Revolution (Ukraine 2006, 16 mm,45min)
  • Images at
  • Short film: AEGEE's Election Observation Mission Diarsipkan 2006-10-12 di Wayback Machine.
  • Orange Winter, a feature documentary about the Orange revolution Diarsipkan 2007-06-28 di Wayback Machine. by Andrei Zagdansky
  • Photos from the Orange revolution Diarsipkan 2011-02-03 di Wayback Machine. by Bohdan Warchomij

Bacaan lanjutan

  • Paul D'Anieri, ed. Orange Revolution and Aftermath: Mobilization, Apathy, and the State in Ukraine (Johns Hopkins University Press; 2011) 328 pages
  • Tetyana Tiryshkina. The Orange Revolution in Ukraine - a Step to Freedom (2nd ed. 2007)