Kekristenan pada Abad Pertengahan

Sepasang kakak adik Kirilos dan Metodius menyebarkan agama Kristen ke suku bangsa Slavik.

Kekristenan pada Abad Pertengahan meliputi sejarah Kekristenan dari Kejatuhan Kekaisaran Romawi Barat (c. 476) sampai Kejatuhan Konstantinopel (1453), yang biasanya dijadikan akhir Abad Pertengahan dalam Sejarah Eropa.

Dalam Pentarki kuno Kekristenan, lima patriark memegang keunggulan istimewa: tahta-tahta Roma, Konstantinopel, Yerusalem, Antiokia, dan Aleksandria. Nilai dari sebagian besar tahta tersebut tergantung pada para pendiri apostolik mereka, atau dalam kasus Bizantium/Konstantinopel, bahwa tahta tersebut adalah tahta baru ("Roma Baru" dari kelanjutan Romawi Timur, atau Kekaisaran Bizantium. Uskup-uskup tersebut menganggap diri mereka sendiri sebagai para penerus dari rasul-rasul mereka.[1] Selain itu, seluruh lima kota tersebut adalah pusat awal Kekristenan.


  1. ^ Woollcombe, K.J. "The Ministry and the Order of the Church in the Works of the Fathers" in The Historic Episcopate. Kenneth M. Carey (Ed.). Dacre Press (1954) p.31f

Sumber cetak

  • González, Justo L. (1984). The Story of Christianity: Vol. 1: The Early Church to the Reformation. San Francisco: Harper. ISBN 0-06-063315-8. 
  • Grabar, André (1968). Christian iconography, a study of its origins. Princeton University Press. ISBN 0-691-01830-8. 
  • Guericke, Heinrich Ernst; et al. (1857). A Manual of Church History: Ancient Church History Comprising the First Six Centuries. New York: Wiley and Halsted. 
  • Hastings, Adrian (1999). A World History of Christianity. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing. ISBN 0-8028-4875-3. 
  • Latourette, Kenneth Scott (1975). A History of Christianity, Volume 1: Beginnings to 1500 (edisi ke-revised). San Francisco: Harper. ISBN 0-06-064952-6. (paperback). 
  • Morris, Colin (1972). The discovery of the individual, 1050–1200. London: SPCK. ISBN 0-281-02346-8. 
  • Morris, Colin (1989). The papal monarchy : the western church from 1050 to 1250. Oxford: Clarendon. ISBN 0-19-826925-0. 
  • Morris, Colin (2006). The sepulchre of Christ and the medieval West : from the beginning to 1600. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-826928-1. 
  • Shelley, Bruce L. (1996). Church History in Plain Language (edisi ke-2nd). ISBN 0-8499-3861-9. 

Sumber daring

  • Joyce, Patrick Weston (1906). A smaller social history of ancient Ireland, treating of the government, military system, and law; religion, learning, and art; trades, industries, and commerce; manners, customs, and domestic life, of the ancient Irish people (PDF) (edisi ke-An abridgement of my larger work, 'A social history of ancient Ireland'). London ; New York : Longmans, Green, and Co. Diakses tanggal 21 October 2016. 

Pranala luar

  • Dictionary of the History of Ideas: Christianity in History
  • Dictionary of the History of Ideas: Church as an Institution
  • Sketches of Church History Diarsipkan 2007-10-22 di Wayback Machine. From AD 33 to the Reformation by Rev. J. C Robertson, M.A., Canon of Canterbury
  •  Phillips, Walter Alison (1911). "Church History". Encyclopædia Britannica. 6 (edisi ke-11). hlm. 330–345. 

The following links provide quantitative data related to Christianity and other major religions, including rates of adherence at different points in time:

  • American Religion Data Archive
  • Early Stages of the Establishment of Christianity
  • Theandros, a journal of Orthodox theology and philosophy, containing articles on early Christianity and patristic studies.
  • Historical Christianity, A time line with references to the descendants of the early church.
  • Reformation Timeline, A short timeline of the Protestant Reformation.